- Your name was randomly selected as one who may be qualified to serve as a juror for the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri.
- You must complete the questionnaire, regardless of your personal circumstances. Please do not request to be excused by phone or send letters requesting to be excused in lieu of completing the Qualification Questionnaire as such excuse requests will not be processed.
- This is NOT a summons to report for jury service. The purpose of the questionnaire is to determine if you are qualified to serve as a juror.
- You still must complete the questionnaire, even if you moved to another county or out-of-state. If you have moved out of state or out of the Eastern District select for the county “NONE OF COUNTIES LISTED”.
- Deceased-Please state this fact on line or on the card and sign your name on behalf of the deceased person and return the card to the court.
- Students – If you are a student away at school, a parent can complete the questionnaire on your behalf. Or the parent can give you the log-in information so you can complete the questionnaire online. Do not update your address to your school address unless you have permanently moved to that address.
- English Language – (Question 4) – Answer all 3 parts of the question. If someone must help you complete the questionnaire due to difficulty understanding the English language, mark “No” and explain under remarks.
- Criminal Conviction – (Questions 5, 6 and 7) – This question applies to felony convictions only. If you have a felony conviction and you have answered “Yes” because your rights have been restored, proof of your rights being restored must be mailed, faxed or emailed to the court. If your rights have not been restored answer “No”.
- Medical Condition – (Question 8) – If “Yes” – Explain how your medical condition prevents or interferes with your ability to serve. You also must submit a doctor’s note stating your inability to serve signed by an M.D., D.O. or Nurse Practitioner. If you are willing to serve, please be sure to clarify this and explain if you will need the court to make accommodations for you at the courthouse.
- Exempt Occupations – (Question 9) – This question applies to only the occupations listed. Answer all three parts to this question.
- Race/Ethnicity – (Question 10 and 11) – Federal law requires that you answer every question on the questionnaire, including those pertaining to your race and ethnicity. This information is required solely to avoid discrimination and has absolutely no bearing on your qualification to jury service.
- If you do not have a computer to complete the questionnaire online please call the toll free number (844) 603-6463 and state your participant number, name and current address. Then request a paper questionnaire.

Navigating through eJUROR
The following are a few tips on how to quickly and successfully complete your form through eJuror.
(1) Please read every screen thoroughly before you start filling in the answer fields, making sure to enter answers into every field marked with a red asterisk (*).
(2) Once you complete the Login Page, DO NOT use the browser back and forward buttons. You will receive this important warning on each screen. The selection of either of these buttons will eject you from eJuror, and you will be unable to access the login screen for at least twenty (20) minutes.
(3) If you wish to contact the court regarding eJuror questions while you are in the process of completing this form, you may use the contact information located on the bottom of this page or select the “Contact Us” option available on the eJuror screens.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know that eJuror is secure?
The court follows current best practices for database and server security, maintained by highly-skilled Information Technology court staff, and supported by a dedicated national network security group.
Who will see the information I provide to the court?
The Qualification Questionnaire you are completing is used only by court staff to determine your eligibility to serve as a juror sometime in the future. Except by judicial order for extraordinary circumstances, only court staff will be able to review the information you provide to the federal court.
How will I know if my Qualification Questionnaire is received by the court?
The last page of the eJuror process is called a confirmation page. Reviewing this page is important for you to view your answers and make edits on those you wish to alter or amend. Once you have submitted this page, you will receive verification that you have successfully completed the eJuror process. If you do not receive this verification, the court will not have received your Qualification Questionnaire.
What if I don’t have a computer?
The court understands that not all prospective jurors have access to a computer. You may wish to use your local library’s computer terminals to access the eJuror system. However, if you require a paper copy of the questionnaire, please call (314)244-7852 or the toll free number (844)603-6463. Please leave a voice message with your 9-digit participant number, your name and address. A paper Qualification Questionnaire will be sent to you as soon as practicable.
Other Information
Jury Administrator contact information: U.S. District Court, 111 S. 10th Street, Room 1.300, St. Louis, MO 63102. Phone: 314-244-7850 or toll free: 866-510-1925 Email: moedml_jury@moed.uscourts.gov.