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U.S. District Court – Eastern Missouri Continues all Trials until further Court Order, No Sooner than March 15, 2021; Limited Building Entry for all Courthouses also Continued Until March 15, 2021

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Chief Judge Rodney W. Sippel today signed an Order continuing all trials until further order of the Court, but no earlier than March 15, 2021. Persons may continue to enter the lobbies of both the Eagleton and Limbaugh Courthouses to access services, or they may access them remotely via any Courthouse agency’s website. A full list of contacts and other information about remote business, as well as all other relevant information to the Court’s COVID response can be found at the Court’s COVID Information Center.

Parties with a trial set prior to March 15 do NOT need to file a separate motion to continue your case, the Court will docket an Order resetting your case until further order of the Court, no sooner than March 15, 2021. You can then coordinate with parties and chambers on an official reset date at a later time.

For further information, please contact Clerk of Court Greg Linhares at or 314-244-7890.

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